Sunday, November 18, 2012

We're Goin' On a Dino Hunt!

I love my job.  Have I mentioned that before?

I work with kids. A LOT of kids. Which, as the mother of a grand total of FIVE charming little devils, this really isn't something I'm unaccustomed to. It doesn't really phase me. Trust me when I say this, you, the Client Mommy, are MUCH more concerned about how your child is behaving than I am.  When on location, or in the studio, with a child client or even a small family, I live by one simple rule: 


When you try and force a child into a behavior they're not really down for, you're much more likely to get a riled up child as a result.  Studio sessions aren't ALWAYS easy. They come into a strange place, meet a strange person with a big funny looking camera thing-a-majig who's moving them here and there, making silly faces, talking in weird voices, and overall just trying to get their attention. They're not going to be super comfortable right off the bat.  I'm not afraid to look/sound/act silly to get a good reaction from your pint sized cutie. 

Outdoors are often easier. Well, theoretically. 

The key to a successful outdoor shoot with a little one is to make them think they're in charge. Where do you want to go? What do you want to see? This week, I went on a Dino Adventure with a Tiny Little Man. The results were FANTABULOUS.

(This is tiny Dino Explorer Mr. D and his Momma, practicing their Dino Moves!)

We scouted for baby dinosaur eggs, checked out trees that a BIG dino had knocked over with his tail, and even saw some foot prints!! It's amazing how easily great photo opportunities come along when you let things just happen :) So Momma's take a tip from me, don't get worked up. I promise you, even when you think there's not a chance we'll get cooperation, there will be moments captured that you won't soon forget!

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